Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Long time no nothing

Well it's been about a week since my last blog and not for any good reason. My life has been full of potty run after potty run and cleaning up accidents a long the way. Things are going smoother, most of the time when it comes to our potty training with S. I really don't know why I haven't blogged recently, and I apologize for the handful of you that read my blog and hopefully somewhat enjoy it. Well I guess there is one good reason for not blogging...My computer!!!! grrrrrrrr. We have a cable modem, which is just as fast as DSL, which was nice. I don't know what happened recently, but it's been running like dial up, if not slower. So being a person of little patience I haven't done much on the computer. The hubby looked at it last night and muttled some computer nonsence of what was wrong, which was no help, because Mr. Computer himself, didn't know how to fix it. Why did I marry him anyway, if he can't fix my computer! ;) I'm just teasing, I love him with all my heart and would never think about trading him in for anything. But the one thing other people count on him for (his computer skills) isn't useful for my problem. I never asked if it was a computer problem or our internet company problem. It doesn't matter, I don't know how to fix and I'm losing the little patience that I have. So bare with me, if I don't post everyday, and I'll try harder to come up with topics to write about and dig up the patience and time to do it.


Stephanie said...

Well, I have dial-up all the time.

Welcome to my world. :)

WarriorWife said...

Yeah! You're back!

Lucid Developer said...

If we paid dial-up prices then there would be no place to complain. But that is not the case. We pay good money for bad service. (Email sent to internet company.)

Scrumpestuous D said...

Don't feel bad about sporadic blogging. I do it all the time!