Monday, August 28, 2006

My family's day view

For multiple reasons, I've never posted any pictures of family or anything for that matter. Some of the reasons....I can only download the pictures from the camera to the hubby's labtop, which he uses during the day at work, which is when I post of the most part. To keep some anonymity, to keep from judgment (try to let the reader put a face to the writing). And probably the reason that has stopped me from doing it thus far, don't laugh, I don' t know how to download the pictures from the camera, the hubby has always done it.
So here there are, in blog day view, my family. My cute kids, Stir Fry, 3, and Baluga, who just had her first birthday, me and the hubby. Most of these pictures are from our vacation to the Oregon Coast, and then others of just how cute the kiddies are.
So there you have it, you know have faces to put to the stories. I hope you like them.


Emily said...

what a beautiful family!! your kids are as adorable as i had imagined. thanks for letting us see your family!! what fun!

Mrs. Andrews said...

How adorable is your family!!! Your kids are just so cute. You look so happy, I'm glad I got to see your pictures.

Anonymous said...

You seem to try and keep your kids name secret but you post images with there names for the world to see.